Node.js & less on Media Temple Grid

Maybe I’m crazy, but I wanted to install Node.js in a (gs) shared hosting environment so that I could compile and save small changes to my LESS-based stylesheets via SSH without having to maintain a local working copy. That’s right. I said it. I change files in a live environment sometimes, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Anyone who opines to the contrary in the comments below will be swiftly dealt with.
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Getting .bashrc to work on MediaTemple’s Grid Service

I’m spoiled, guys and gals. I can’t work without [my dotfiles]( Watching me work in a vanilla bash shell is excruciating, like watching someone walk with those drunk-driving goggles–fumbling and stumbling through an environment completely devoid of the shortcuts and settings upon which I’ve come to rely so heavily. Even for something as simple as listing and switching directories: njbair@n16 ~ $ ll -bash: ll: command not found njbair@n16 ~ $ ls -l lrwxrwxrwx 1 njbair njbair 10 Sep 20 05:38 data -> .
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SSH From the Inside

Problem I need SSH access to a particulr machine (schoolsvr) which is behind a NAT. I only need to enable access from a single client (homesvr), which has a public IP address of its own. Both machines are running sshd. I can access homesvr from a shell on schoolsvr, but not vise-versa. If I had admin access on schoolsvr’s gateway, I could alter the NAT to forward some unused port (say, 12345) to schoolsvr:22, which would allow me to SSH to schoolsvr using the gateway’s public IP and port 12345.
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